HEPA/ULPA Filtration

HEPA/ULPA filters provide a range of high-performance protection. These self-contained filters are designed to physically capture fine particles.

Air Science® sources all HEPA/ULPA filters from Filtco to ensure the highest level of quality. Filtco brand filters are manufactured in an ISO 9001-compliant manufacturing facility using only the highest-grade materials and practices.

When used in a ductless fume cupboard, the cabinet is applied as a Class I Biological Safety Cabinet to protect the operator from particulates.  When used in a laminar flow cabinet, the process/samples are protected from contamination by maintaining cleanliness within the work zone.

That Air Science Multiplex Filtration System consists of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter to create a combination of chemical and physical architecture customized to each application.

The multiplex option permits one or more filtration options to be combined to meet a wider range of multiple-use applications. Multiplexing permits configuration for the capture of acids, bases and particulates such as biological aerosols when paired with HEPA or ULPA filters.

HEPA Filters

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are designed to trap particles that are larger than 0.3 microns and provide >99.97% typical efficiency.

ULPA Filters

Ultra-Low Particulate Air (ULPA) filters capture even finer particles than HEPA filters, those larger than 0.12 microns, and provide a typical efficiency of 99.999%.

Activated carbon filters are used to capture harmful or potentially harmful fumes generated on the work surface of ductless laboratory equipment.


The Air Science “pour-in-place” silicone gasket outperforms traditional style stick-on “dove-tail” gaskets.

Ductless fume hood service

Order Replacement HEPA and ULPA Filters using one of these easy options:

Add Secur as a separate line item to your annual service quote or have it included in the cost of your replacement filters.
Sign up to receive expert assistance with filter saturation tests, filter replacement procedures, and annual filter change reminders throughout the life of your product. The FSM includes expert compliance certification.
