Filter Disposal

Air Science Technologies Ltd. is now a certified waste carrier in accordance with the 2011 Waste Regulations of England and Wales. Through this new certification Air Science can provide one source replacement and disposal of your activated carbon filters.

Our Secur™ Safe Disposal Service allows you to dispose of saturated filters responsibly during your annual service visit. Used filters are properly treated at the Violia UK Treatment Facility which specializes in secure destruction and recycling.
This environmentally responsible waste removal solution leads to incineration of saturated carbon filters which transforms them into a positive energy source that can replace fossil fuels.

Proper maintenance of ductless fume hoods starts with a solid filter replacement schedule. Over time, filters become saturated with the chemicals they’re designed to …

Secur Safe Disposal Service
air science secur

Order the Secur Safe Filter Disposal Service using one of these easy options:

Add Secur as a separate line item to your annual service quote or have it included in the cost of your replacement filters.


Fax 023 80 070489 or email