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Secure Your Evidence with Accurate, Repeatable Results

Today legal cases are built on forensic science. Accurate, repeatable results solve crimes and prove innocence when necessary. Air Science consistently advances forensic science and evidence processing by creating products to produce precise, accurate results.

The Air Science forensic line includes innovative products that include evidence drying cabinets, fingerprint fuming chambers, ninhydrin / DFO chambers, and evidence benches. Specific products include:

Chemical Processing Workstations – The Purair® Basic and Advanced offer a host of options applicable for a laboratory of any size. The technology driving the Purair fume hood product line is the innovative Air Science Multiplex Filtration Technology that creates a safe work environment over the widest range of applications in the industry.

Special Purpose, Evidence and Illegal Substance Storage Cabinets – Drugkeeper™ Storage Cabinets can be used for short-term storage of hazardous chemicals and substances typically associated with drug investigations.

Fingerprint Development Chambers – Safedevelop™ Fingerprint Development Chambers are designed to accelerate the processing of latent fingerprints on porous surfaces within a controlled environment for optimum effectiveness where moisture, temperature, and time are critical factors.

Cyanoacrylate fuming chambers – Safefume™ Fuming Chambers are designed to safely develop latent fingerprints on non-porous surfaces using ethyl cyanoacrylate (CNA) vapor in a controlled environment.

Download our Forensics Product Guide to learn more about how we can help you improve results and solve more cases.  

Contact us today to get started.