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Introducing New Stainless Steel Interior Laminar Flow Cabinets

Purair LF Series vertical laminar flow hood on optional cart Optimize Cleanliness and Chemical Resistance

Now with a stainless steel interior option, Purair LF Series Laminar Flow Hoods ensure easier work zone cleaning and optimal chemical resistance in laboratory, pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications.

All of our standard horizontal and vertical laminar flow hoods are available in stainless steel. Please specify your stainless interior when ordering.

Purair LF Series Advantages

  • Purair Laminar Flow Hoods are shipped fully assembled. No installation is required; just plug them in and use them.
  • Products are designed for desktop use, or may be installed on an optional mobile base stand.
  • The rear wall of vertical flow cabinets is perforated to reduce work surface turbulence by removing some of the airflow to the rear.
  • Horizontal flow cabinets are designed with a lip on the rear of the work surface to protect the ULPA filter from spills.
  • Purair VLF and HLF hoods have an ULPA filter pressure gauge to measure filter performance.

View our full line of laminar flow and clean bench products, or contact us today for a customized quote based on your application.