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Upgrade Your College Science Class Equipment

College Science Class Equipment

When was the last time the laboratory equipment in your classroom was replaced? When working on the next lab equipment wish list for an upcoming budget review or grant proposal, it is important to include affordable products that meet all your function and safety needs.

Air Science® EDU™ Series Ductless Demonstration Fume Hoods are an essential piece of classroom equipment for chemistry, biology, and material science experiments in colleges and universities. It provides unsurpassed flexibility with assured protection from hazardous vapors generated on the work surface. These self-contained combine affordability and portability while delivering reliable protection. Air Science Multiplex™ Filtration permits versatile filter configurations and optional HEPA/ULPA filter additions for biological safety against particle hazards.

EDU Series Ductless Demo Fume Hood Benefits:

  • Ductless technology enables easy installation, operation, and maintenance with no costly ductwork
  • Heavy-duty transfer carts designed to fit through standard doorways for portability between classrooms and labs
  • Reliable vapor protection for instructors, students, and the classroom environment
  • Broad selection of activated carbon filters for a wide range of chemical classifications
  • 360° visibility for improved classroom experience with hands-on activities

Contact us today to request a quote and start your wish list for new science classroom laboratory equipment or see more EDU Series product details.

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