Air Science® requires that you complete the following questionnaire when buying a ductless fume hood.

The effectiveness of a ductless fume hood depends on the activated carbon filters packed into the filter housing. Therefore, it is essential to select the proper filter based on the class of chemicals used in the application. Our Chemical Applications Questionnaire form allows us to ensure the ductless fume hood you choose is appropriate for your applications.

About You (Person Submitting Quotation Request)

How Would You Like To Be Contacted?

Intended Chemical Applications (Per SEFA-9-A Format)

Complete the form below to submit online. For an example, refer to the first line. You can also download a copy to print out and submit via Toll-Free FAX USA 800-306-0677 or 239-489-0922. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your laboratory safety officer or contact customer service Toll-Free USA 800-306-0656, 239-489-0024.

Certification by Person Submitting Form

By typing my initials, certify that in my capacity as (your position in the company/facility/institution) in (company/facility/institution) I believe to the best of my knowledge that all data and information submitted in this Chemical Applications Questionnaire, form Air Science SEFA-9-A is truthful and accurate and that no material fact has been omitted.