Quality and Environmental Policy

We are committed to providing high quality, on-time, professional and efficient products to ensure the satisfaction of all of the requirements of our clients and safety of our employees. This achievement will result in securing efficiency, a strong customer focus and enhancement of long-term sustainability and profitability within the organization. At the same time, we are committed to protecting the local and global environment of Earth, by minimizing environmental impacts concerning our activities and products.
This policy applies to all Air Science USA LLC, FILTCO Inc., and Air Science Technologies Ltd facilities including our Florida Head Office, manufacturing base in Fort Myers, FL, and our UK sales and distribution warehouse, and for all products and operations in support of our global customers.
The Management Team will show leadership and commitment, and bear the responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating, reviewing, and maintaining the Quality and Environmental Management System, including compliance with applicable legal requirements. 
We undertake to ensure sufficient resources are made available within the organization to achieve this. We shall ensure through communication, engagement, practical example and training, that Quality and Environmental ‘protection of the environment’ is the aim of all members.
Through direction and support, each employee will have a proper understanding of the importance of the Quality and Environmental System function, their responsibility to contribute to its effectiveness, and its direct relevance to the success of the organization.  Equally, every employee is responsible for, and will be trained to perform the duties required by his or her specific role. 
Through our Quality and Environmental System, we will work to prevent pollution, reduce waste, and minimize the consumption of resources.  We will consider the global impact of all our suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.
The organization has a policy of promoting continual improvement and setting of Quality and Environmental Objectives in line with the framework laid down within ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Standards. These objectives will address the risks and opportunities within the Organization as determined by the management team. 
The Quality and Environmental System will be monitored, measured, evaluated and enhanced regularly under the Top Management’s ultimate responsibility, with regular reporting and communication of the status and effectiveness at all levels. 
This policy will be communicated to all staff, and available to all suppliers and customers through request or selected media.