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SafeSTORE™ Vented Cabinets Provide Safe Storage of Noxious and Odorous Chemicals

SafekeeperSafeSTORE Vented Chemical Storage Cabinets are ideal for safe storage of noxious or odorous chemicals. Designed to minimize health and environmental risks in handling chemical vapors, residues and VOCs in general laboratory functions, SafeSTORE incorporates Air Science® ductless technology to remove fumes and odors emitted by stored contents. Innovative Multiplex™ filtration technology protects the safety of personnel during use, maintenance and decontamination. Advanced carbon filtration technology provides a safe, high performance alternative to ducted cabinets for a broad range of applications. The addition of optional HEPA/ULPA filtration is engineered to trap fine particulates and biologicals, delivering additional user safety.

The SafeSTORE Series of vented cabinets, available in multiple sizes, offers an economical, ductless solution for chemical storage needs in the laboratory. Cabinet airflow and face velocity protect users from incidental exposures while electronic airflow monitoring assures continuous safety. SafeSTORE cabinets isolate and trap chemical vapors to prevent operator exposure and chemical cross contamination, as well as to eliminate ecological impact from chemical release into the environment.


  • State and Federal Crime Laboratories
  • Medical Examiners and Coroners
  • Forensics
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Hospital Emergency Rooms
  • Drug Agencies

Key Features

  • Safe to Use. Cabinet airflow and face velocity protect users from incidental exposures to organic odors and fumes using activated carbon main filter formulated for general purpose storage. Addition of optional HEPA/ULPA filtration eliminates exposure to biological particulates.
  • Versatile. Each filtration system is selected for its specific application. Carbon filters are available in more than 14 configurations for use with vapors of organic solvents, acids, mercury and formaldehyde, with added optional HEPA/ULPA filters for biological safety.
  • Environmental Benefits. Isolates and traps chemical vapors to prevent ecological impact through release into the environment.
  • Cost Effective. Facility ductwork, HVAC and construction costs are eliminated.
  • Easy to Install. The vented chemical storage cabinet is self-contained and does not require venting to the outside. Many units are portable and may be moved with minimal downtime and without filter changes. Set-up, operation and filter maintenance are straightforward.
  • Energy Efficient. No demands required of the facility HVAC capacity for make-up air since filtered air is returned to the room.
  • Control Panel. Electronic controls and displays include switches for the blower and lights and low airflow alarm, all located on a convenient front surface panel. A continuous air velocity monitoring system alerts the operator upon unacceptable values.
  • Construction: Standard and tall models available in white polypropylene that does not absorb liquids, is easily cleaned with household detergents and can be sprayed with a 10% bleach solution to eliminate biological contaminants. Mini features epoxy-coated steel. Windowless doors available.
  • Self-Testing (select models). Electronic airflow monitoring assures continuous safety. An optional electronic gas sensor monitors carbon filter performance.

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