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Safekeeper® Offers Cost-Effective Evidence Protection in a Controlled Environment

SafekeeperSafekeeper Series Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinets provide a tamper-resistant, controlled environment in which to dry and process forensic evidence, enabling the chain of custody to remain intact. Offering a cost-effective storage and containment option, the forensic evidence is dried and processed by a constant flow of air, incorporating Air Science® ductless technology to remove airborne fumes and odors emitted by the contents. Using innovative Multiplex™ filtration technology combining optional HEPA/ULPA filtration for pathogen and particulate control, the forensic evidence drying cabinet creates a safe work environment over the widest range of applications in the industry.


  • State and Federal Crime Laboratories
  • Medical Examiners and Coroners
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Hospital Emergency Rooms
  • Drug Agencies

General Purpose Safekeeper Cabinets are offered in bench/desktop and floor-standing models. Select models are available with two, three or four independent drying chambers, each with its own filtration and control system, designed to avoid cross-contamination of evidence while permitting simultaneous but separated processing. Most models are configured for mobile use in uncontrolled environments, with standard height cabinets on casters designed to pass through standard doorways, while tall units are typically housed in a fixed location. A downflow model, designed for use in a garage or parking area with dirty/sandy floors, features an activated carbon main filter formulated to capture putrid organic odors as well as other fumes such as alcohol, solvents and gasoline.

Safekeeper Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinets are an ideal choice for laboratories where drying forensic evidence must be closely monitored and controlled and maintenance of a chain of custody is critical. Functional performance to meet specific applications may be added through options and accessories, including heat and dehumidification systems to accelerate the drying process and a ducting collar to allow the unit to be ducted into an existing laboratory exhaust system.

In addition to Safekeeper General Purpose Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinets, Special Purpose Drugkeeper, Safeswab and Evidence Transporter models are available to meet specialized evidence needs, in a variety of sizes and configurations, totaling 60 different options.

Key Features

  • Cost Effective. Facility ductwork, HVAC and construction costs are eliminated.
  • Environmentally Beneficial. Isolates and traps chemical vapors to prevent ecological impact through release into the environment.
  • Versatile. Each filtration system is selected for its specific application. Carbon filters are available in more than 14 configurations for use with vapors of organic solvents, acids, mercury and formaldehyde. HEPA/ULPA filters can be added for biological safety.
  • Easy to Install. Ductless unit is self-contained and does not require venting to the outside. Many units are portable and may be moved with minimal downtime and without filter changes. Set-up, operation and filter maintenance are straightforward.
  • Energy Efficient. No demands are required of the facility HVAC capacity for make-up air since filtered air is returned to the room.
  • Safe to Use. Cabinet airflow and face velocity protect users from incidental exposures to fumes.
  • Self-Testing (select models). Electronic airflow monitoring assures continuous safety. An electronic gas sensor monitors carbon filter performance.

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