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Vent BOX™ Offers Protection from Inhalation Risks of Chemical Safety Cabinets

Vent BoxAir Science® Vent BOX ductless modular ventilation and filtration systems offer protection from chemical vapors found inside stand-alone chemical safety cabinets using a modular ventilation and filtration system. Unique filtration technology creates a safe work environment for laboratory personnel over a wide range of industry applications.

The compact, low profile system is completely portable with no ductwork required and is easily positioned on shallow safety cabinets. The Vent-Box is equipped with four intake hose connections, allowing for multiple configurations based on your space and layout requirements, with universal connections allow retrofitting to nearly all flammable and safety cabinets on the market. Internal systems are isolated from fumes, extending product life. The unit employs energy efficient ebm-papst™ brand centrifugal blowers for long life and dependable performance.

Options and accessories add functional performance to meet specific applications. The Vent BOX may be used as a ductless setup or can be ducted into an existing exhaust system with an optional ducting collar.

The Air Science Vent BOX is available in one standard size and five color choices (blue, green, red, yellow, white) to match any type of chemical storage cabinet. Performance specifications and construction meet or exceed OSHA, ANSI and relevant international standards to assure operator safety.


  • Flammable Materials
  • Acid and Corrosive Chemicals
  • Paints
  • Pesticides
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Organic Peroxides
  • Oxidizing Agents

Key Features

  • Low-profile, completely portable, no ductwork required.
  • Compact size, easily positioned on shallow safety cabinets.
  • Modular design permits multiple configurations.
  • Universal connections allow retrofit to almost all available flammable and safety cabinets on the market.
  • Simple configuration and maintenance.
  • Easy to replace filter, no tools required.

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