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Multiplex Filtration

The mechanical design enhances safety, convenience and overall value.

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The Air Science® Multiplex Filtration System consists of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter to create a combination of chemical and physical architecture customized to each application.

  • The electrostatic pre-filter is accessible from within the ductless fume hood cabinet.
  • A patented filter clamping mechanism allows for the filter to be easily installed and ensures an even seal at the filter peripheral face at all times to prevent bypass leakage.
  • The filter chamber prevents contaminated air from contacting internal cabinet mechanisms.
  • The main filter number and installation date are displayed in a front-access window.
Our carbon filtration technique is based on enhanced, activated carbon granule formulations from specially selected, naturally occurring raw material superior to wood or other organic sources. The carbon is treated to attain the proper porosity and aggregate surface area and to react with several ranges of aerosolized chemicals moved through the filter by an air handling blower.
  • The Multiplex option permits one or more filtration options to be combined to meet a wider range of multiple-use applications. Multiplexing permits configuration for the capture of acids, bases and particulates such as biological aerosols when paired with HEPA or ULPA filters.
  • The carbon filter is a self-contained assembly sized to fit the specified product model number and configured to optimize airflow across 100% of the filter surface area for maximum efficiency, prolonged filter life, optimal diffusion and saturation capacity and user safety.
Air Science is the single source supplier for all pre-filters and carbon filters used in its products, plus those of many other manufacturers.

We Can Help You Choose the Best Filtration Options for Your Work

Multiplex Filtration Diagram
Choosing the optimum filter configuration for your laboratory work is critical to achieving maximum performance from your ductless fume hood, and in turn, maximum protection for personnel and the environment. With the options available on the market today, how can you be sure that your filtration selection delivers the best protection available for your laboratory and your work?
Air Science® can help. We offer innovative and versatile technology to protect against a wide range of chemicals, VOCs and particulates, as well as combinations of chemical families, providing optimized personnel and environmental protection. Carbon filtration protects from fumes and VOCs from multiple chemical families, while the inclusion of HEPA/ULPA filtration adds particulate protection.
The Air Science Multiplex™ Filtration System, consisting of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter creates a filter combination customizable to each laboratory application. The Multiplex System permits filtration options to be combined to meet a broader range of multiple-use applications. Multiplexing permits configuration for the capture of acids, bases and particulates such as biological aerosols when paired with HEPA or ULPA filters.
Multiplex Filtration, coupled with Enhanced Filtration Technology™ (EFT), permits single, blended or stacked filter configurations to be joined to provide high-level protection from multiple fume hazards. Air Science EFT incorporates combinations of different carbon types in one filter, thereby allowing for filtration of multiple chemical families in a single filter. Added HEPA/ULPA filtration protects from particulate hazards. Our proprietary technology enables us to engineer filter combinations to meet unique applications, keeping personnel safe from a wide range of harmful substances generated on the work surface. Our innovative approach to filtration offers the most flexible and versatile solution for laboratory protection available.
Air Science Purair® Advanced Series ductless fume hoods protect the user and the environment from hazardous vapors generated on the work surface. Featuring the Multiplex Filtration System and EFT with flexible filter configurations, these fume hoods offer a wide range of options for high-performance protection during demanding laboratory applications.

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Enhanced Filtration Technology

Learn more about Enhanced Filtration Technology (EFT), The Air Science® Multiplex™ Filtration System consists of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter to create a combination of chemical and physical architecture customized to each application.