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Laminar Flow Hoods With 360-Degree Visibility

09.22.21A laminar flow hood provides an aseptic, sterile and particulate-free environment that protects items on the work surface. Our Laminar Flow Hood product line relies on Air Science Multiplex™ HEPA/ULPA Filtration Technology for a clean work environment over a wide range of applications. Purair® PCR laminar flow cabinets and the Purair FLOW laminar flow cabinets offer clear back and side panels. This 360-degree visibility allows ambient illumination into the chamber and improves experiment visibility, providing users with an unobstructed view of the work surface. Air Science Purair PCR workstation enclosures provide a safe, energy-efficient, contamination-free environment during PCR amplification. The Purair PCR workstation is designed to provide flexible access to the thermocycler while protecting against cross-contamination. The Purair FLOW laminar flow cabinets deliver the cleanliness and protection necessary for a wide variety of applications, including aseptic operations for all types of digital forensic and repair. Learn more about Air Science Laminar Flow Hoods.