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HEPA/ULPA Filtration

High Performance HEPA Filters and ULPA Filters

Air Science® Multiplex™ self-contained HEPA/ULPA filters provide a range of high performance protection. HEPA filters are designed with a 99.97% efficiency rating for capture of 0.3 micron particle size. ULPA filters are designed with a 99.999% efficiency rating for capture of 0.12 micron particle size.
HEPA/ULPA filters are sourced from reputable manufacturers including Camfil Farr®, these mini-pleat filters are constructed without aluminum separators to increase filter efficiency, minimize the chance of leakage and prolong filter life.
  • Filters include a lightweight aluminum frame for structural stability and elimination of welling common to conventional wood frames.
  • Our “pour-in-place” silicone gasket outperforms traditional style stick-on “dove-tail” gaskets.
When used in a ductless fume hood, the cabinet is applied as a Class I Biological Safety Cabinet to protect the operator from particulates. When used in a laminar flow cabinet, the process/samples are protected from contamination by maintaining cleanliness within the work zone.
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SafeSwitch HEPA Filter Shutter System

The Air Science SafeSwitch HEPA Filter Shutter System is an optional bag-out contaminate containment system that enhances operator safety during HEPA filter changes.