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Filtco Filters Launches New Website

The new Filtco Filters website is now live.

Filtco Filters has offered the best selection and pricing for replacement activated carbon ductless enclosures and fume hoods for decades. An Air Science sister company, Filtco Filters makes it easy to source high quality, affordable replacement filters for the leading laboratory equipment brands.

In addition to the replacement activated carbon filters and pre-filters customers have come to trust, Filtco Filters now offers HEPA/ULPA filters and custom HEPA pleating. All Filtco brand filters are manufactured in our ISO 9001-compliant compliant facility.

With the launch of the new site and the Filtco eCommerce site, customers can easily shop for replacement filters online. Search for replacement filters by type, by the equipment manufacturer, shop for custom sizes, or add items to your cart by SKU.
