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Ensuring Operational and Environmental Protection Through Recycling

Air Science® strives to maintain superior quality in our products and manufacturing processes. From product development to the units themselves, Air Science ductless fume hoods and laboratory filtration products are typically built to comply with industry standards, best practices and compliance criteria for safety and performance. With each product we construct in the U.S.A., we aim to ensure operational and environmental protection.

In addition to our continuing participation in industry associations, OSHA standards compliance, and an Energy Star Partnership, we are also diligent about recycling in all aspects of our manufacturing processes. From metals and plastics used to construct our products to waste powder coating and cardboard, Air Science has a robust environmental management system backed by third-party ISO 14001 certification.

Air Science has held ISO 14001 certification for over a decade, last renewing its accreditation in 2012. “We have been committed to ensuring sustainable manufacturing from the beginning,” said Paul Chambre, CEO. “We put the same effort into maintaining high environmental standards before, during and after product development that we do into ensuring product quality.

ISO 9001 certification requires the company to complete an extensive audit process that examines quality management within the organization’s operations, performance enhancements, documentation, and staff training. Audits were also performed on the company’s environmental management system in terms of performance, life cycle analysis and organizational communication to obtain the ISO 14001 certification. Audit findings were compared against worldwide best practices to ensure utmost compliance in corporate responsibility.

Read our brief “Demonstrating Sustainable Manufacturing Through ISO 14001 Certification” to learn more.