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Ductless Fume Hoods Remain Laboratory Essentials

One of the most versatile laboratory essentials continues to be the Air Science ductless fume hood. Designed to be installed almost anywhere in a facility where there is work to be done, the ductless fume hood offers a range of benefits that permit research, manufacturing and processing functions to proceed with safety and efficiency.

Based on the vision of our founder, Andy Chambre, the concept of laboratory safety is at the forefront of how we plan and implement our product development programs. What’s changed, however, are the continuous reports of how our ductless fume hoods are used worldwide. We are amazed at who uses our products and for what.

  • From performing arts of Cirque du Soleil where stagehands paint the shoes of the cast after each show,
  • to boutique mushroom factories in Colorado as bootstrap entrepreneurs supply high quality products to area restaurants,
  • to crime labs throughout the world where evidence processing demands containment, contamination-free DNA in PCR processes,
  • and to microbreweries and wineries where aficionados extend their love of the craft by starting businesses that serve emerging markets in neighborhoods and big cities alike…

…Air Science ductless fume hoods provide cost-effective containment and protection solutions essential to good chemistry, personnel safety and environmental protection.

The Air Science selection of ductless fume hoods is based on the principles of carbon filtration chemically coated to trap various families of volatile organic compounds used in countless applications. When coupled with HEPA or ULPA filters these fume hoods can also offer containment for particulates and biological agents that may pose health and safety risks for personnel and the environment.

At the heart of the Air Science ductless fume hood are three primary systems: the Multiplex™ Filtration concept; the mainframe cabinet usually constructed of steel or chemical resistant polypropylene; and the control system which manages operations, alarms and other functions.

These three systems can be configured into countless products designed for delivery from stock, or component systems designed for specialized use in robotics, 3D printing and other processes.

We build what we sell. This is why we remain one of the few companies in the world that will create custom enclosures fabricated from customer-supplied or collaborative specifications outside our standard product line.

Regardless of whether it is a standard off-the-shelf ductless fume hood or an engineered solution to meet a special purpose, you can count on Air Science to deliver a product on time, on budget and with a social responsibility that confirms our commitment to customer service and quality.

Our products and manufacturing processes are designed to minimize environmental impact to your community, and to support efforts to comply with LEED and other recommended practices in laboratory and facility management.

Located in Fort Myers, Florida, USA our 45,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters houses an integrated sales administration, research, engineering, testing, production, technical service and logistics group working on behalf of our customers worldwide.

Let us know how we can help you. /sales