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Connect With Us At BrewExpo America

Air Science® is attending the 38th Craft Brewers Conference® & Brew Expo America® (CBC) tradeshow from September 10-12 in Denver, CO. We’ll feature a selection of Air Science laboratory brewing equipment, including the Purair® FLOW-24 and the Purair Basic P5-24T, at booth number 5347 during the event. The BrewExpo is known as the ultimate “one-stop-shop” for brewers and is the largest trade show of its kind in North America.

Laboratory Equipment for Brewery Science

Air Science offers a range of fume hoods that can accommodate the needs of nano breweries, large-scale brewing companies, and everyone in between. Prevent unwanted microbes or other particulate contamination of your yeast cultures with a Laminar Flow Hood, Ductless Fume Hood, or Custom Built Enclosure.

While you might not need the full equipment of a microbiological laboratory, laminar fume hoods give you more control over the brewing process by ensuring the stability of yeast cultures. Let us help you on your quest for the best with the right tools to improve your beer production.

Don’t miss your chance to connect with us and see how our craft brew equipment can bring a level of innovation and control to your brew process that helps you achieve the perfect batch every time.