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Understanding Your Laboratory Filtration Equipment Purchase


Air Science® products are designed to meet the needs of numerous applications. Depending on your needs, our products can protect…

Protect Your Perfect Yeast Strain With Air Science Products


Pure yeast strains allow breweries and wineries to produce a commercial product that is easily recognizable for its unique, branded…

Laminar Flow Hoods With 360-Degree Visibility


09.22.21A laminar flow hood provides an aseptic, sterile and particulate-free environment that protects items on the work surface. Our Laminar Flow Hood…

Reverse Laminar Flow Cabinets


09.22.21 A laminar flow hood provides an aseptic, sterile and particulate-free environment that protects items on the w 09.15.21 The word laminar…

HEPA / ULPA Filtration Replacement


Carbon filters must be replaced regularly to avoid the effects of over-saturation and protect laboratory personnel from harmful vapors generated…

How the PCR Workstation Helps DNA Sampling


DNA sampling allows criminal investigators to compare recovered DNA evidence to that of a suspect's profiles. Scientists can amplify genetic…

Connect With Us At BrewExpo America


Air Science® is attending the 38th Craft Brewers Conference® & Brew Expo America® (CBC) tradeshow from September 10-12 in Denver,…

Carbon Filters: Why quality matters


Efficient filter frame design, proper loose carbon granule preparation and continuity in frame-filling are critical to safe ductless fume hood…

Ensuring Laboratory Safety Through Proper Chemical Storage


When storing chemicals in the lab, it's important to ensure proper guidelines are followed. This helps keep your lab running…

Our Commitment to Compliance with the Highest Measures of Safety


As experts on ductless filtration, we recognized an acute need for reproducibility and safety in the scientific, pharmaceutical, forensic, and…