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The Benefits of American-Made Ductless Equipment


In an increasingly global economy, we may not always consider where the equipment we buy is made. However, the manufacturing…

How to Control Contamination During PCR Amplification

The importance of contamination control in PCR amplification cannot be overstated. This is because even trace amounts of DNA from…

What’s the Difference Between Class II, Type A2 and B2 Biosafety Cabinets?


Generally, biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are ventilated enclosures designed to protect laboratory workers and the surrounding environment from biologicals and…

Protect DNA Evidence with Forensic Laboratory Equipment

In 1953, three articles published in the scientific journal Nature detailed one of the most important discoveries in scientific history…

Is Going Ductless Right for Your Lab?

Fume hoods are used in a variety of applications to limit exposure to hazardous fumes and vapors or, with the…

Preventing Cross-Contamination in Forensic Mycology Applications

Forensic mycology brings numerous benefits to criminal investigations. Mold growth on organic matter can help investigators determine postmortem intervals more…

Leading the Ductless Laboratory Equipment Market

Since our start in 2002, we have sought to provide the highest level of design, engineering, and manufacturing of ductless…

Fumechambers: Chemical Development of Latent Fingerprints


It's no secret that fingerprints are as unique as the individuals they belong to. This uniqueness and the fact that…

Are You Protected? Biosafety Cabinets vs Ductless Fume Hoods

Understanding the level of protection your laboratory enclosure offers is essential. Though biological safety cabinets (BSCs) can also be called…

Upgrade Your College Science Class Equipment


When was the last time the laboratory equipment in your classroom was replaced? When working on the next lab equipment…