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Maintaining a sterile environment during compounding is paramount in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in order to safeguard product quality…

The Role of Laminar Flow Hoods in Contamination Control


The Role of Laminar Flow Hoods in Contamination ControlParticulate contamination is a constant and critical battle in sterile and aseptic…

The Difference Between Fume Hoods and Laminar Flow Hoods


The Difference Between Fume Hoods and Laminar Flow Hoods Both ducted fume hoods and laminar flow hoods are integral parts…

Alternatives to Traditional Fume Hoods

What is a ducted fume hood used for? Traditional ducted fume hoods have long been a staple in laboratory settings,…

Maximize Lab Safety: Filter Replacement Best Practices

When to replace your laboratory's carbon or HEPA/ULPA filters. Regularly replacing your laboratory's carbon or HEPA/ULPA filters is crucial for…

Improving Classroom Safety During Demonstrations


Chemistry classroom demonstrations provide students with essential hands-on learning experiences that allow them to hone observation, record-keeping, problem-solving, and prediction…

Enhancing Forensic Integrity: Discover the Benefits of Evidence Drying Cabinets

From state and federal crime laboratories to hospital emergency rooms, mobile evidence drying cabinets are designed to preserve the chain…

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing a Biological Safety Cabinet


In the field of science, working with hazardous biological agents is a common practice. To ensure the safety of both…

Choosing The Best Laboratory Filtration Equipment For Your Needs.

When outfitting your laboratory with new equipment, it's always a good idea to carefully consider what products will best address…

The Ins and Outs of PCR Cabinets

What is a PCR cabinet and why is it used? A PCR cabinet, also known as a PCR workstation, is…