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Bettering the Science of Brewing

Ductless fume hood for craft brewingAir Science® laminar flow hoods, ductless fume hoods, and custom enclosures are the perfect tool for craft brewers of any size. Fume hoods help ensure the purity of ingredients, protect valuable yeast culture strains, and filter potentially harmful vapors caused by the brewing process.

Even restaurant quality kitchen fume hoods are unable to handle the ventilation of heavy wort odors and gasses, particularly those caused when making larger batches of beer. Air Science fume hoods offer unparalleled ventilation for the serious brewer as they also protect your beer from particulate contamination that can seriously alter taste.

Our brewery science products give you more control over the brewing process.

Laminar Flow Hoods

Prevent Particulates. Laminar flow hoods work best when used to protect your raw ingredients and yeast cultures.

Ductless Fume Hoods

Filter Vapors. Ductless fume hoods offer added filtration to vent odors, gasses, and other low level harmful substances.

Custom Enclosure Series

Craft your hood. Work with us to build the enclosure that fits your brewing needs. Need something that lets in a lot of light, filters out gasses and odors, but doesn’t have a lot of extra features? We can do that. Air Science custom enclosures can meet any space or protection needs for your brewery. Learn more about the best Air Science products for your needs on our Brewery Science page or download our Craft Brew informational flyer.