Air Science

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Automated Optical Inspection Enclosure


When performing Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) to test for defects in printed circuit board assemblies, maintaining a contaminant free environment…

Fume Hood Do’s and Don’ts


Fume hoods are used to provide protection for the operator and the environment in various facility settings by continuously shifting…

Ductless Robotic Enclosures


Robotic enclosures are used to maintain a high level of facility throughput while minimizing contamination, providing a clean and safe…

Electronics Repair Ductless Enclosures


Air Science® offers a selection of ductless products suitable for various electronics procedures that require a sterile, particulate-free environment. Sophisticated…

Keeping Mail Handling Safe


Though the new year is here, many facilities are still recovering from the holiday rush of mail, packages and shipping…

Introducing the Enhanced DWS Downflow Workstation


Air Science® DWS Downflow Workstations now have several design enhancements to improve operation while still offering the high quality protection…

Highly Potent Prescription Analgesics: Understanding Fact vs. Fiction


Equivalent to just three grains of salt, three milligrams of certain highly potent prescription pain killers can be lethal. For…

Customizing Ductless Products to Meet Customer Needs


Air Science® offers a wide selection of ductless laboratory products that satisfy the needs of numerous industries and applications. Our…

Ensuring Operational and Environmental Protection Through Recycling


Air Science® strives to maintain superior quality in our products and manufacturing processes. From product development to the units themselves,…

Demonstrating Sustainable Manufacturing Through ISO 14001 Certification


Environmental regulations and sustainability practices help protect humans as well as the environment. When manufacturers and other organizations big and…