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At the Heart of a Growing Gourmet Mushroom Farm

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Their mission is simple – bring the freshest, most exceptional gourmet mushrooms to the markets in Denver, Colorado. And that’s exactly what Fresh from the Farm Fungi is accomplishing utilizing their Air Science® Purair® Laminar Flow Hood.  

“Investing in quality is the number one goal for growing our small gourmet mushroom farm,” says Gary Heferle, co-owner of Fresh from the Farm Fungi. “Our Air Science vertical laminar flow hood is the heart of our business; we use it every day for our plating and culture work, we have never had any contamination issues, and I personally love the design and ergonomics of the flow and hood,” states Gary.

Gary was very familiar with the Air Science brand long before his dream of starting his own business with his wife Addie became a reality. While working full time in a tissue culture lab, he had the option of choosing between a small variety of hoods for his research in the lab. “Everyone always fought over the Air Science hood because everyone loved it,” states Gary. “I have used many flow hoods throughout my career and Air Science is the top brand to work with.”  Laminar Flow on Instagram

One of Gary and Addie’s main goals for their mushroom farm is to be a zero-footprint farm. They are doing this by using biodegradable products, solar power energy and local resources. “When deciding on what laminar flow hood to purchase, we knew it was going to be Air Science, it would be a one-time purchase that would last us for years to come and meet our goal of having a minimal waste impact,” says Gary. 

As they grow their business, Gary and Addie will continue to invest in the Air Science brand they know and trust. 

Interested in learning all things mushrooms and getting to know Gary and Addie better? Visit http://freshfromthefarmfungi.com to learn more about their growing gourmet mushroom farm. 

Did You Know?

Air Science laminar flow hoods and fume hoods are used in a variety of unique applications, outside of laboratory use.