Making a Difference in Your Work and the Environment

Ductless fume hoods have always been about something different – something bigger than just the design of one lab. Yes, they provide invaluable efficiency and financially viable options; however, they also contribute to an even greater need – improved quality of life here on this earth.
At the base of their functionality is the value of conservation – conserve energy, conserve money, conserve resources and conserve quality of the air in which we live.
Which is why Air Science has been an ENERGY STAR® partner for almost a decade. From the inception of the company, we have pushed for efficiency, accuracy and safety for the individual as well as the environment.
We are proud to showcase the ENERGY STAR partner symbol because it embodies the values that we, our customers, and our employees hold dear.
Energy efficiency is found in both our products and our processes. While we always strive to deliver quality units that will save your company money and reduce waste, we also ensure that the processes we employ to manufacture those products support efficiency in every way possible.
We believe that being an ENERGY STAR partner is about more than a logo to stick on our site. It’s a way of life.
It’s a mindset – a mindset that the world will not end with our generation. Generations after will either suffer or benefit from the decisions we make today. We value the opportunity we have today to make a difference for tomorrow.
Partner with us and many others as we strive to improve our environment and our lives.
Find out more about being an ENERGY STAR partner here: