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Air Science Technologies Earns UK SafeContractor Accreditation

October 15, 2018 – Air Science Technologies Ltd. has earned SafeContractor Certification from Alcumus SafeContractor, Ltd., a UK organization established to bring consultative advisory services such as training, certification and accreditation essential to manufacturers committed to workforce safety, health and economic strength.

The SafeContractor status adds additional credibility to the Air Science role in containment and laboratory safety through the sale and service of the company’s line of ductless fume cupboards, clean benches, forensic science and evidence processing systems, and biological safety cabinets.

Among other attributes, the SafeContractor accreditation assures Air Science Technologies, Ltd. customers that the Air Science has invested in organizational support for health and safety, paperwork efficiencies, and compliance with responsible vendor mandates set forth by leading UK businesses, corporations, laboratories and institutions.

The SafeContractor program is widely viewed throughout the UK as proof of social responsibility in support of research and development among a wide variety of markets.

For details contact www.safecontractor.com.

Alcumus provides market leading risk management solutions within the fields of health, safety, environmental and quality management among multiple sectors.


Michael Crilly

Air Science Technologies

44a Liverpool Road

Lydiate, Merseyside L31 2LZ

T/0151 5262457 AT/0151 5204344 M/ 07714 744417 • F/0151 5204340

