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Securing the Science Lab: Teaching Chemistry Safely

safety in the science classroom

The fume hood is an essential safety staple in chemistry classrooms and research labs. It is also arguably the most important equipment in any laboratory environment. A fume hood is the first defense against chemical gases, vapors and aerosols generated on the work surface. When used for classroom demonstrations, fume hoods must protect students, teachers, and the environment during common chemistry experiments while providing enhanced visibility for demonstrations.

Our EDU™ Series Ductless Demonstration Fume Hoods are designed for classrooms and training centers. These ductless fume hoods provide 360° visibility while protecting users and the classroom environment from hazardous vapors generated on and above the work surface.

Mounted on heavy-duty transfer carts, EDU Series Ductless Demonstration Fume Hoods are designed to fit through standard doorways for easy transportation between classrooms or laboratories. Ductless filtration eliminates the need for an external exhaust source, and hardware mounted beneath the work surface lowers the center of gravity to aid in safe transport and relocation.

These self-contained units are easy to install, operate and maintain. They combine affordability and portability while delivering reliable protection. Employing Air Science Multiplex™ Filtration permits versatile filter configurations while optional HEPA/ULPA filter additions for biological safety against particle hazards.

Our EDU Series products are available in 4 configurations and include 40″, 48″ and 60″ models with expanded internal workspace volume. Construction in metal or polypropylene is available, totaling 12 standard models.

Learn more about the performance advantages of our portable EDU Classroom Demonstration fume hoods.

Air Science