Air Science

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5 Factors To Consider When Choosing a Biological Safety Cabinet


In the field of science, working with hazardous biological agents is a common practice. To ensure the safety of both…

Choosing The Best Laboratory Filtration Equipment For Your Needs.


When outfitting your laboratory with new equipment, it's always a good idea to carefully consider what products will best address…

The Ins and Outs of PCR Cabinets


What is a PCR cabinet and why is it used? A PCR cabinet, also known as a PCR workstation, is…

The Benefits of Horizontal Laminar Flow Hoods


Horizontal laminar flow hoods provide air streams that travel in the same direction (horizontally) and at the same speed with…

Safety Considerations in Forensic 3D Printing


The Growing Use of 3D Printing in Forensic Applications In the field of forensics, 3D printing has emerged as a…

Ductless vs Ducted – the Best of Both Worlds


For any lab that generates volatile vapors or hazardous fumes, fume hoods are an essential piece of equipment. They're also…