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Collecting the Perfect Print


Latent Fingerprint Development Methods In dusting, fingerprint powder brushed onto the surface adheres to the oils of latent prints so…

Chain of Custody – Forensic Lab Equipment

In 2019, Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio, unveiled a new Center for the Future of Forensic Science.…

Cyanoacrylate Fuming for Latent Print Development


If you'e ever unlocked your smartphone or made a biometric purchase with the touch of a finger, your unique fingerprint…

Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinets and Vertical Laminar Flow Hoods


Laminar flow hoods are used in a variety of industries - from laboratories to medical equipment facilities and beyond. They…

Horizontal and Vertical Laminar Flow Hoods


Laminar flow hoods go by a few different names, including laminar flow cabinets, laminar flow workstations, or laminar flow clean…