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Air Science Develops Desktop UVGI Decontamination


The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a widespread need for a safe, effective and fast decontamination method for…

Air Science UV-Box Employed by Police Department in COVID-19 Decontamination Efforts


With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement agencies are increasingly concerned with the health and safety of their…

Police Department Uses UV-Box™ for COVID-19 Decontamination


The West Allis Police Department in Wisconsin has successfully deployed the Air Science® UV-Box for COVID-19 decontamination of the N-95…

How Air Science Multiplex Filter Technology Provides Flexibility in Ductless Fume Hood Configuration


Multiplex Filtration System The Air Science® Multiplex™ Filtration System consists of a pre-filter, main filter and optional safety filter to…