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Vented Enclosures™ Provide Particulate Containment Using Ductless Technology


During manipulation and transfer of potent compounds, Air Science® Vented Enclosures deliver effective, reliable protection, addressing analytical needs in the…

Improve Your PCR Amplification Process


PCR is shorthand for a simple but very useful procedure in molecular biology called the polymerase chain reaction. It’s a…

Vent BOX™ Offers Protection from Inhalation Risks of Chemical Safety Cabinets


Air Science® Vent BOX ductless modular ventilation and filtration systems offer protection from chemical vapors found inside stand-alone chemical safety…

Precision Powder Weighing: How to Deliver Accurate Results


Many factors can influence the outcome of routine weighing in the laboratory. Whether you’re using a ductless fume hood, glove…

Keeping it Simple: How to Properly Clean Your Laminar Flow Hood


Cleanliness and air filtration are extremely important in maintaining sterility levels in a laboratory. This is just as true for…