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Fire Suppression in a Ductless Fume Hood: An Added Layer of Protection


While ductless fume hoods are good at controlling the risk of fume inhalation, those same contaminants that a ductless fume…

From Crime Scene to Crime Lab: Our Selection Ensures Accurate, Repeatable Results


Air Science is advancing forensic science and evidence processing by creating forensic laboratory equipment that is designed to produce precise,…

The Sky is the Limit for Filtration Units


The Purair® SKY ceiling mounted filtration units are designed to protect laboratory personnel and the environment from fumes in areas…

Benchtop Decontamination Chambers: Boxing in the Evidence


The UV-Box™ is a high-efficiency chamber designed to safely decontaminate contents while providing a safe work environment for the operator.…

Safety in the Science Classroom with Mobile Fume Hoods


Classroom fume hoods are designed to provide enhanced visibility for conducting chemistry demonstrations and observing students performing chemistry experiments. The…