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Air Science: An ENERGY STAR Partner


Making a Difference in Your Work and the Environment  Ductless fume hoods have always been about something different - something…

New Online Resource Offers Ductless Fume Hood Information and Education


Air Science USA, LLC has published a new website in response to an industry need for accurate, comprehensive information about…

Horizontal vs Vertical Laminar Flow Hoods


Choosing Your Laminar Flow Hood Doesn't Have to be Confusing Laminar flow hoods maintain a controlled work surface for applications…

Made in America: By the New America


More Than the Numbers, The Narrative of a LifeIn a world where manufacturing facilities reside just around the corner from…

Demand for Botanicals Causes More Rigorous Regulations


The Botanical Industry Is Growing, Make Sure Your Lab Is Too. While the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes may…

5 Ways Your Biological Evidence May Be Compromised


Why Complete Control is Necessary in the Storage of Biological Evidence Our criminal justice system, built on truth and justice,…

Unique Applications for Ductless Enclosures


Revealing New Unit for Suspicious Package Inspection


Technicians at Air Science recently celebrated the completion of a new unit developed for use in suspicious package inspection. Mail…

Continued Partnership with Chinese Distributor


Air Science is pleased to announce the renewal of its distribution agreement with Chinese distributor, Beijing Ocean Hi-Technology Co., Limited.…

Environmental Consciousness in a Hazardous Industry


With Air Science, you can give the world your work and a better environment. Thanks to the research, dedication and…